About Franken + Partner Architects
​>> Always attempting to approach the essence of design - advancing from simple to the very best! <<
The architectural company "Franken
+ Partner Architects" was founded by Karl Franken in 1946, realizing some of the very first "German Pav-ilions" for the nowadays entit-led "Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action" on international venues worldwide, in context of the economic development scheme for small and medium-sized German companies, which was laun-ched in 1949 ("AMP"). Later, joint pavilions of todays' "Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture" were designed and built, too.
In 1995 Romuald Kuchcinski became managing director and expanded the business on private customer base on an international level.
In third generation the architects
Christian Ulmer and Jan Kuchcinski
head the company.
As "Full Service Supplier" the office covers the whole range from exhibition architecture to techni-cal trade fair organization with our core competencies and profes-sional commitment.
Due to our global network, the national and international experi-ence of over 75 years as well as new impulses contributed by our present team, "Franken & Partner Architects" will reliably continue to be innovative and dynamic in constantly changing exhibition and trade fair markets.
Always attempting to approach the essence of design - advancing from simple to the very best!​

AUMA_Ausstellungs- und Messe-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft, Berlin + BAFA, Eschborn + Balland Messe-Service, Köln + Bayern International, München + BBR, Bonn + Bekum Maschinenfabriken, Berlin + Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL), Bonn + Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK), Bonn + Bundesverband der Sicherheits-wirtschaft (BDSW) und der Geldwirtschaft (BDGW), Bad Homburg + BVLK, Offenbach + Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Beijing + CHTC Fong’s International, Hong Kong + DEGA-Expoteam, Ohlstadt + Didacta, Darmstadt + DLG, Frankfurt + DVS – Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und Verwandte Verfahren, Düsseldorf + DVS Media, Düsseldorf + expotec, Berlin + Fachverband Werkzeugindustrie (FWI), Remscheid + Fairs, Nürnberg + Fong's Europe, Schwäbisch Hall + German Sweets, Bonn + GIMA, Hamburg + GSI–SLV, Duisburg + Haitian International, Ningbo + Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH, Hamburg + Hannover Fairs International, Hannover + IFW Expo, Heidelberg + IMAG, München + Inter Expo Consult, Berlin + Koelnmesse International, Köln + Leipziger Messe International, Leipzig + Lindauer Dornier, Lindau + Lorch Schweißtechnik, Auenwald + Lucas–Nülle, Kerpen + Lukas-Erzett, Engelskirchen + MCO, Düsseldorf + Messe Berlin, Berlin + Messe Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf + Messe Essen, Essen + Messe Frankfurt, Frankfurt + Landesmesse Stuttgart, Stuttgart + Monforts - Textilmaschinen, Mönchengladbach + Nürnberg-Messe, Nürnberg + Spectaris, Köln + Sumitomo SHI Demag, Schwaig + VDA, Berlin + VDDI, Köln + VDM Group, Werdohl + VDMA, Frankfurt + Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen, Dresden + Wirtschaftsministerium NRW, Düsseldorf + Xorella, Schwäbisch Hall + ZDH, Berlin + Zollern Gruppe, Sigmaringen + ZVEI, Frankfurt